As part of the second phase of the project “Fighting Gender Based violence Through Economic Resilience” funded by the US embassy, AMEBE team visited women gathered in cooperatives initiated by AMEBE beneficiaries of that project in Cankuzo. They visited different corners of Cankuzo  namely : kigamba, cendajuru, gisagara, rutoke and kavumu.

The visit to Cankuzo aimed to discuss the impacts of the first phase of the project executed in 2022 , with local authorities.The visit has been a golden opportunity for beneficiaries of the project to address challenges and find potential solutions in collaboration with AMEBE . The team  discussed the progress of their IGAs and motivate them to move forward towards self-autonomy. The visit was also an occasion to support and assist beneficiaries by offering to provide with key reseources such as selected seeds, biofertilizers and certain skills in cooperative management .Before closing the activities , AMEBE program manager ,Evariste Ndikumugongo called on  the beneficiaries to awaken their conscience and fully engage themselves  in business .He urged them that they will be connected to microfinance institutions if need it be in order to increase their capital to generate more income.



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