AMEBE in partnership with CARITAS GRAZ made early December  2022 , the disbursement of credits for young entrepreneurs eligible for the second phase of the Project « Supporting Young Entrepreneurs » (AJE ) ∙ They  selected ten  best  entrepreneurs among  twenty  who were selected for the first phase∙ The twenty first beneficiaries of AJE  have got  BIF 600,000  paid with no interest  ∙The beneficiaries of the second phase  , have got an amount between BIF 2,500,000 and 3,000,000 that is to be paid back with interest ∙By the end of December 2023 , each beneficiary will have fully  paid his loan∙

It is within this perspective that Vastine Nimfasha was selected ∙ Thanks to the support from AMEBE, her business has considerably improved and she is proud of her achievements ∙As of today, she is ready to pay off the loan contracted ∙

Thanks to AMEBE ˈs support, Nimfasha  is proud of her achievements   

Nimfasha is one among the ten  beneficiaries of the Project  « Supporting Young Entrepreneurs »  (AJE) in its second phase ∙She runs a Ndagala (small fish from Lake Tanganyika) selling and buying project․  After her project was selected among the best ones,  she went on the field to implement  her project  ․She started the second phase with BIF 2 ,500 ,000∙ Today ,she assures that  her business is going well ∙It’s   only been   five months  since she started the project and she can start returning the money to her creditors ․

« In the first phase , AMEBE  loaned me BIF 600 ,000∙Then,I  used and paid back with no interest․ I got BIF 2 ,500 ,000 in the second phase ∙As of now, I  have already reached  BIF 3 ,000,000  and I feel like  I can even  start paying  back․ I hope that I will remain with much profit to run my business after paying all the loan » , exclaimed Nimfasha .

« You should not focus more on paying back, but rather focus more on working hard to get more funds »

The fact that the money obtained from AMEBE  is to be paid back should not be the main worry   to young entrepreneurs beneficiaries of the loan․ Instead ,this should be a reason for them to work hard and achieve satisfying results to ease they payment ․ To that end , Lin Nzokira  the field officer at AMEBE  who met young entrepreneurs on the field in  the process of mentoring and coaching them, advised all the young entrepreneurs not to focus more on  the idea that they are to pay back but on the work itself for it is what matters most․ For him, if they put much focus on the  work they get a good harvest and consequently easily pay back the money ․In addition, this a  way for them to  broaden their opportunities․




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