1. EYTM (Empowering Youth Trough Mentorship)

In this program, AMEBE’s Mentors help youths, both boys and girls, educated and uneducated to get more knowledge on entrepreneurial and communication education in the aim of producing able future leaders of our community. We value human dignity and we believe in the power of motivation and mentorship in the struggle of obtaining a sustainable and resilient community.

  1. WOCAP (Women Can Program)

In this area, we operate as workers and drivers of change by building women as strong pillars of development. We go for the saying “When you see a man prospering, know there is a hand of a women behind”. We overestimate women and we consider their power in the community development.

  1. LETIEX (Let’s Teach by Examples)

Actually, one gives what he/she has. We cannot mentor people in business and entrepreneurship or in communication when we do not know the challenges that our mentees go through throughout their way to success journey. That is why the founder of the AMEBE/Mentorship clubs urges all mentors to own a business to be able to help found solutions to the problems we know better.

We motivate our beneficiaries to start a business, it is as if we tell them: “Just learn from me and apply the lessons”.

  1. LEGIBAC (Let’s Give Back to Community)

We cannot develop our community when each of us does not have personal development. To get it, we attend different kinds of training and we gain more insights and experience. As a matter of fact, we are obliged to share our experiences with other community members who did not get the chance to follow the training.

Our Partners

  • Alumni Association,
  • The U.S Embassy
  • The above-mentioned universities and American spaces 
  • Together  for a New Africa(T4NA)
  • Caritas Graz,
  • CARE International
  • Search for Common Ground
  • Caritas Burundi
  • Burundi Government