Caritas steiermark,AMEBE and ODDBU recenlty conducted a joint visit of the Mutimbuzi(Gatumba) and Kanyosha communes of Bujumbura province and the Bukeye commune in Muramvya province .The visit aimed to check in on the progress in the DSAAC-BU project areas ,identify potential challenges ,develop mitigation strategies ,as well as finalize the drying rack in Kanyosha .
The consortium kicked off their visit at Kabumba in Kanyosha ,where ODDBU maintains nurseries for medecinal and food-producing trees .Afterward,the group proceeded to Ruyaga in the same Kanyosha locality .They then traveled to Gatumba to visit an AMEBE cooperative which produces livestock concentrates as part of the DSAAC-BU project.This visit was also a golden opportunity for Georges Gingler,te project manager from Caritas Austria in Burundi ,to interact with the beneficiaries .Gingler listened to beneficiaries ,encouraged them and offered advice .
On the following day ,the consortium visited beneficiaries in Muramvya province .The partners began their visit in Bukeye to observe other ODDBU groups working on the propagation of trees with medicinal and nutrional benefits .
Thoughout this visit,AMEBE was able to accurately assess the overall state of affairs ,the state of delivered materials ,and the organization of the ODDBU groups’ workspaces.



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