Floride NSHIMIRIMANA has been lucky to be among the few beneficiaries of « Supporting Young Entrepreneurs phase II »(AJE), a project funded by AMEBE in partnership with CARITAS GRAZ∙ She has a hen breeding project.she started with 30 chicks but she is soon to buy new ones thanks to their support.

In fact, from her hens she also gains a little money through selling dung to local traders of amaranths.

″I am soon to buy new chicks ″

Itˈ s been five months since Floride NSHIMIRIMANA started her hen breeding project. She started with 30 chicks and she is soon to buy new ones . Up to now, she says that she has not yet properly gained from them. However, she is confident that she will use the money from the eggs to feed additional hens that she plans to buy.
″I bought little chicks ,I havenˈ t started to gain from them but they are growing well ∙Soon they will lay eggs∙ Then I will buy other chicks . In addition, I will use the other half of the money from the eggs to feed the news ones ∙″ she confides
Even though Floride NSHIMIRIMANA hasnˈ t started to gain well from her hen breeding project, she is proud of her achievements ∙
″Though I haven’t started to gain from them directly, at least I can gain little money through selling dung to traders of amaranths ∙″ I sell 25 kg to BIF 5,000∙ This little amount of money helps me survive while waiting to benefit properly from the project.

AMEBE by the side of young entrepreneurs

AMEBE is always by the side of young entrepreneurs. In every project, the staff often pays visit to its young entrepreneurs located in different provinces of Burundi. In that way ,NSHIMIRIMANA once hosted a veterinarian from AMEBE, Felix VYISINUBUSA , who advised her to mprove the chicken living conditions and to increase their follow up.
Floride NSHIMIRIMANA salutes AMEBE ˈ s good initiative of supporting young entrepreneurs for she acknowledges that everything has been achieved thanks to their support. She recommends them to continue in the same way empowering other young entrepreuneurs in the perspective of helping them towards achieving their goals .



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